Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Flash Post

Been neglecting my blog because of ever-present demands of work. So quick post in short-hand:

Ran 13.1 miles Sunday. Chilly weather; temps in 20's. Felt stiff and not in great form despite 8 hours (!!) sleep the night before. Ran 8.5 miles last night on the treadmill at 8:49 to 9:05 pace, with 7th mile at 8:20 and 8th mile at 8:05. Felt great.

The woman on the 'mill next to me asked if I was a marathon runner. Incredibly flattered. Aw shucks, ma'am, I said, No, just a half-marathoner. Wore new pair of running shorts on the 'mill run. They looked dorky on me. Must actually try on clothes before buying next time.

New Year's Resolutions: Still fine-tuning but here are three:

1) Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. Sick of being groggy in the mornings.
2) Improve my byline count by 15 percent this year. Do that not just by writing more long stories (my specialty), but increasing the number of short stories.
3) Eat sweets only every other day, not every day. But I do so love my chocolate night cap.

Snowing outside right now. Missing California. Drinking way too much coffee and on deadline.


  1. Hang in there, Bex. Sounds like the training is coming along great. Nice splits on the 8.5 mile run!

  2. Great times even if on the treadmill. good job.
