Saturday, July 05, 2008

Alas, no Mai Tais on the Lake

Originally uploaded by bexdc

At least not tonight. E. and I wanted to take a short cruise this evening on Lake Tahoe - much like our Tahoe Relay team, the Band of Outsiders, did a few weeks ago (that's me and Br. relaxing on the boat). But because of the 4th of July holiday weekend, all the cruises are full. Alas.

In other news: I used my heart-rate monitor for the first time today. I ran between 4.5 and 5 miles at 7,000 ft. altitude at noon, in about 80 degree heat. I should have started earlier, but what the hey.

And despite taking it easy on the hilly course, my average heart rate was 167 beats/minute. Hmmm. Kind of high. According to conventional wisdom, that's between 85 percent and 90 percent of effort. It didn't feel like it, though.

My Garmin 50 uses a foot pod to calibrate distance and mile-pace. And I see that I need to re-calibrate it to my stride length. Because it says I ran 6.3 miles in 42:39. Which is something crazy -- like 6:47/mile.

I wish.


  1. Welcome to the wonder of HR training. Wait till you try running at 141 - even squirrels and rabbits were passing me by.

  2. I bet the lake would have been wonderful!

  3. I can't believe how old and moldy this blog has gotten. Tsk. Tsk.

    I have moved to Come visit okay! Miss you.
