Sunday, June 06, 2004

Hello, America!

It's a cool early June night and in the quiet I can hear the muted rumble of the freight train hurtling south. It's a few minutes after midnight, and I'm procrastinating going to bed.

I've been rummaging around the 'Net for years, but only now decided to add my thoughts to those of the millions of other online scribblers. Whether anyone's reading us is anybody's guess, but hey, this is a fun experiment.

News from this past weekend: Former pres. Ronald Reagan died. Smarty Jones did not win the Belmont, and world leaders, including Dubya and French president Jacque Chirac, gathered on the beaches of Normandy to celebrate the 60th anniversary of D-Day.

A few facts about me: I live in the nation's capital, where I work as a journalist. I'm a Gen X Southern California transplant and I miss the sun, wide open vistas, and fish tacos sans peer of my home state. I do not miss the smog, nor the traffic, nor its state legislature ruled by a former Austrian body-builder/accused sex offender with delusions of grandeur.

I'll say good night for now, but coming soon will be musings about news of the day, plans on my upcoming kitsch trip to Vegas, and the baby boomlet among my XX-chromosomed pals.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Bex Blogger

    I just wanted to tell you that your blog is really cool looking. I also like hearing about what's going on in your life and in our nation's capitol. It shows that you're a journalist since your site is much better written than any I've encounted in recent memory. Keep it up! I'll check back to see where things take you.

    An eager reader
