Monday, June 07, 2004

Oh, please.

All of the glowing, gushing and adulatory comments on the late Ronald Reagan is making me sick. Why is the press making it seem as if every word and gesture the Gipper made was wrought out of pure gold?

Do we - and all other Americans - not remember how he: raised taxes on the working class, drowned the national budget in red ink, ordered the ill-fated invasion of Grenada, helped bring about the massacre in Lebanon of 241 U.S. Marines, participated in the Iran-Contra debacle, which killed tens of thousands of Nicaraguans, then tried to distance himself from it, claiming that he did "not rememember"?

Apparently not. The cult of personality has won in the political arena.

The Washington Post's Howie Kurtz wrote an interesting column today about how the so-called "liberal media," which once had a more critical and contentious relationship with the late president, now fawns over him.

I remember back in high school a sticker I saw in record shops: It had a black and white image of Reagan grimacing and pointing his finger at you, and the words, "Reagan Hates Me" on it.

Repeat after me: Reagan is not a God. Reagan is not a God. Reagan is not a God.

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