Thursday, September 02, 2004

Oops... and Suck On This (Washingtonienne nipple shot)

Well, it was bound to happen sometime. It's our fourth straight summer in Tahoe staying at my SO's family house, and last night I accidentally broke something.

Actually, two things: an Italian serving bowl painted with grapes and leaves, and more worriedly, a lovingly handmade serving platter stenciled with fruit and the family name. My SO's sister-in-law created it, and I don't think she'll take kindly to the fact that it's in 5 jagged shards. I broke the bowl and platter when I was putting away the dishes after dinner, and they slipped and fell. Even though the dishes fell only a foot (they sat in a low cabinet), they broke on impact on the stone floor. Sh**t.

My mission: So today I'm going to one of those "create your own" pottery shops to see if they can fix it or even (wishful thinking) make an exact replica. If that doesn't work, then I'll glue it together as best I can and buy a $$ gift certificate for the sister-in-law. After that, I'll try to find a copy of the Italian bowl. I'm not feeling too optimistic about that. I may have to go online and buy something tres cher from an exclusive kitchen appliance store such as Sur La Table. Sigh. Hopefully, our hosts will understand.

Washingtonienne update: Coming soon to a magazine stand near you - Jessica Cutler's (a.k.a. blogger Washingtonienne) much-used but still nubile naked body! Cutler, the former Capitol Hill worker drone by day and coy semi-prostitute by night, will be in an upcoming issue of Playboy. You can see a sneak preview photo of her saggy little boob here on Fleshbot. Classy, eh?!


  1. You must be having fabulous weather in Tahoe this weekend! We're dying of heat down in the wine country, but I imagine Tahoe has this majestic sheen to it with the heat & sun.

    Pesky pottery...don't fret too much. 'Tis just a thing, after all.

  2. Hey Bex!
    Sorry I haven't commented for a while. Wow, too bad about the serving bowl. I'm sure they understand - accidents happen. Believe me, I've broken plenty of things working at Penney's and at the retail stores in the casino.

    There was a Sur La Table in Old Town Pasadena, but I never got a chance to look in there.

    Btw, I gave you a plug this week in my "Currently" section. :-)

    Washingtonienne looks like a skank. Ugh! Nubile - yeah, I guess, but if I were a man I would be disgusted with her just the same. All the no-talent bimbos pose for Playboy. Aren't you sick of her yet? I know I am! :-)
