Friday, March 11, 2005

Not again ....

Back in D.C., y'all. Got home from Miami at 11:30 p.m. on Wednesday, and Thursday at 5:30 a.m., I woke up with a runny nose, sore throat, body aches, and an overall sense of malaise. Uh-oh. Wouldn't you know I'd get a bad cold just two days before the St. Patrick's Day 10k?!

I'm having flashbacks from January, when I was too sick with the flu/strep throat to run in the Las Vegas Half-Marathon.

What a difference a day makes: On Wednesday I ran 8 miles and felt great. But yesterday, I was too tired and icky-feeling to run an easy 4 miles, as I had planned. So last night, I made myself sleep 9 1/2 hours, even though I had to get up twice to blow my nose and then couldn't fall back to sleep from 3:30 to 4:15.

Today I feel better, though far from 100 percent. So today I'm taking it easy: no cardio/weights class, drinking lots of water, taking Vitamin C, and to bed by 9:30 p.m.

If I don't feel up to snuff tomorrow, then I won't aim for a PR, and will instead treat the 10k as a training run. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Finally!!! Blogger finally got their act together and I can comment again. Geeeeez! Now I know why I hate blogger.

    Anyway, I am so sorry the bug is hitting you again. I've got the stuffy nose myself this morning and a little tickle in my throat. When will the winter be over so we can get done with all the illness? Arrgh!

    Hope you are feeling better real quick!
